
By venting here, I hope not to ultimately turn into the kind of blogger I despise

Stolie says blogging "makes it possible to live vicariously through others and/or to get a glimpse of what it’s like to live in someone else’s shoes."

Thank you, Stolie. See, that's the upside to blogging. Some freaks think that it's their own personal space to disparage people and be two faced. They think, "I am absolved of being a sh*t because, hey, this is my space, and if you don't like it, well, you don't have to read it." Well, that's true, we don't have to read, but it doesn't make you any less of a sh*t.

That's the reason I don't trust certain bloggers who pretend that their blog site is a open place that they can share their thoughts and experiences and want you to read it when if fact they don't. And instead of admitting they don't want to be your friend, they pretend they are your friend and then pretty much talk about you behind your back, which in the blog world means password protection or even moving your blog to a whole new site and not telling your "friend" where it is. Yah, know?

This entry works in this blog because it is a classic example of things that I should totally LET GO, not let bother me, write off...etc...but instead it consumes me because it reminds me of punks that I knew in jr high who were downright cruel to so called "friends", yet pretended everything was normal, to their face.

Some people never grow up and some pour suckers like me keep sucking themselves back into these sorts of messes no matter how old we get. Resolution to STOP READING HER BLOG AND replying to e-mail from this person. Ignore her. Cut her out of your life. She consumes too much energy. I haven't done this before because I was trying not to be a jerk...but one of us has to do this or we could, as the Jerry McGuire saying goes, "Waste the next ten years of our life, being polite"

Ususally I detest talking about someone like this on a blog, when in reality, you should just face that person and, as stated before, not be a sh*t. But I'm trying to speak her language. Plus, it's one thing to vent about something that said person will likely never read, and other thing to try to communicate to me through your blog your true feelings by hinting instead of just writing me off if that is what you want. Maybe by trying to speak her language, I can finally let go...