
A Very Good Place to Start

This is not quite the holy grail of random thoughts, but it's pretty close:
The short questionnaire that Jim Lipton uses on all the celebs in the
"Inside the Actors Studio series. "

The Questionnaire:

My Favorite Word: Snooze

My Least Favorite Word: Whore

Noise I love: Natalie's Singing and Caroline's Laugh

Noise I hate: The pitch of a smoke detector

What turns me on (spiritually, creatively): Music

What turns me off: Gossip meant to hurt somebody

Profession I would like to attempt: Astronaut

Profession I would hate: Coroner

My favorite curse-word: ass-ton

If heaven exists, what would I like to hear God say when I arrive: Aloha. What a wonderful life you lived, KJ. I am so proud of you. I love you. Please, Come in. Grandma will show you around and I will catch up with you later, okay?