
One Man's Take on Islam

Arch on Islam:

"This moderate "challenge" will go nowhere. In order to reform Islam, you must reform the Koran, Hadith, and Sira but all three are immutable texts and changing them calls into question the validity of Islam (everything in the Koran and the Sunnah must be 100% literally true or else it is a false religion, Koran 4:82), hence it cannot be done. And Saint Abdullah is no moderate. He hails from such a moderate country where honor killings are common and where 0% of the population has a favourable opinion of Jews. These so-called Muslim moderates never give any specifics on how they would challenge the so-called radicals. Referring to the "tolerant" side of the Koran doesn't cut it because due to the doctrine of nask or abrogration, most of the so-called tolerant (Meccan) verses are superceded by the more militaristic Medinan verses. The last sura that was revealed to Muhammad was Sura 9, the Verse of the Sword, that enjoins Muslims to wage jihad against the disbelievers. Lack of moderation in Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem."